Terms and Conditions

1. As customer, I agree to abide by all rules, regulations and provisions of the Haymarsh Hunt Club, Inc., pertaining to members and memberships and in particular all rules regulations and provisions concerning the use of firearms and the use of the hunting preserve affiliated with the Haymarsh Hunt Club, Inc.

2. Haymarsh Hunt Club, Inc. is a recreational facility which owns certain property and leases other property which is maintained in a wild or semi-wild condition to promote or simulate wildlife habitat. The customer recognizes that Haymarsh Hunt Club, Inc. is a natural area used for preserve hunting of game, recreational shooting and dog training. As a customer, I recognize that the use of the Haymarsh Hunt Club, Inc.’s facility will involve the use of firearms by myself and others and will expose me to the use of motor vehicles, dogs, wild animals, potentially harmful insects, and uneven woody, swampy, potentially dangerous terrain which is not carefully maintained. The customer also recognizes that using the Haymarsh Hunt Club, Inc.’s facilities will involve exertion; may involve climbing, wading, or walking through brush or swampy areas in varying weather conditions from heat to rain to snow or ice. I recognize that I may suffer sickness or injury from any of these or other consequences not mentioned here.

3. As a customer, I desire to use the Haymarsh Hunt Club, Inc.’s facilities for dog training, preserve hunting, recreational shooting, and other pursuits. I agree to pay for these privileges and to sign this agreement in release of the liability for negligence in consideration of the Haymarsh Hunt Club, Inc., permitting me to use its facilities. Haymarsh Hunt Club, Inc. will permit customers to use its facilities only provided customers sign this agreement and release of liability of negligence.

4. As a customer wanting to use the Haymarsh Hunt Club, Inc.’s facility, I recognize that my exposure to these instrumentalities, conditions, and creatures entails risks for myself. I agree to assume these risks personally and to release and waive all claims, demands, and actions which I now have, or which my heirs, personal representatives, executors or assigns may have against HAYMARSH HUNT CLUB, INC., its owners, agents, employees, lessors, other guests or third parties. This release applies to any act or conduct on their part, whether negligent or otherwise specifically mentioned here or not.



To ensure that everyone can enjoy their outdoor experience,

Each member and guest is to conduct themselves in a safe, courteous and sportsmanlike manner.

NO alcoholic beverages may be used before or during a hunt! Even if you are not aware of this rule and are found consuming an alcoholic beverage, you will be asked to case your gun and leave the field.

Each hunter must meet all of the State of Michigan’s hunting requirements.

A waiver must be signed by each member and guest before their first hunt. Thereafter, each member and guest shall sign a new waiver yearly.

All members and guests are required to visibly wear the legally defined minimum of “Hunter’s Blaze Orange.”

It is imperative that we stay within the boundaries of the preserve. When in doubt, don’t go! It is legal to retrieve your dog from posted property, but you must leave your gun on Haymarsh property.

Guests must be accompanied by a club member – a maximum of two guests per member unless other arrangements are made with Haymarsh management before the hunt.

Members and guests must comply with all requests and instructions of Haymarsh Hunt Club representatives.

Cash, check or credit card payment is expected before the hunt, unless prior arrangements are made.

All birds leaving the premises must be tagged with a facsimile of a State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources Official Shipping Tag.

Fields will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. It would be wise to make reservations several days in advance, especially for weekends and holidays.

We will release birds prior to your hunt. If you wish to release your own birds, they may be picked up at the pole barn.


I agree to the Haymarsh terms and conditions.