Category: Uncategorized

Black Friday Sale

Black Friday Sale 

Buy 5 birds get 1 round of 5-Stand FREE 

Rain checks for 5-stand available

Birds need to be used day of

This is valid for November 29th ONLY

Limit 1 round per customer

Call 989-352-7050 to claim


September 2019

Upcoming Events

Friendless Hunt hosted at the end of the month.


Member August Special

Member Monthly Special: buy 5 birds and get a free Hat or Shirt of your choice!


Children Under 17

Both for members and non-members, anyone under the age of 17 is allowed to come an unlimited number of times with an adult. You are only required to purchase 1 bird per minor.

Season Calendar

Each year members need to re-fill out the Guest Agreement and Liability Form. Please make sure you fill one out at the table before your first hunt. Than You.

August 2019

Upcoming Events

Clubhouse Opens August 15th

Open House September 7th at 11:00 AM

We will have pulled pork and some side dishes. Feel free to bring a dish to pass if you wish.


Member August Special

Buy 5 birds and get 1 FREE on Wednesdays and Thursdays for the month of August.

Club Hours

We are extending club hours until dusk year round. For the months of deer season, hours are shortened for SOME of the fields, but fields 2, 3, and 5 will be open until dusk for the whole season. When booking an Evening hunt, you will still have to book a 1:00 time slot. Please just add in the notes that you are starting later than that and give your start time.

Club Rental

We will be renting out the Club House for community parties and events. Members will receive a 20% discount on clubhouse rental.


Full day (4 or more hours): $400 with a $100 refundable deposit.

Half Day (3 or less hours): $280 with a $50 refundable deposit.


Season Calendar

I am hoping to get started on some Monthly specials and events. I am hoping for men’s and woman’s hunts, the boy scouts to come visit, a youth hunt, and a Black Friday special. If you have any ideas, please feel free to email me!


New Home

As of August 18th we will be living at the Haymarsh house. This is going to be extremely helpful when it comes to assisting you at the Club. We are so excited for this new adventure.


New Home

As of now we will not be doing chukars or quail. Our supplier is no longer raising them.

July 2019

Upcoming Events

Clubhouse Opens August 15th

Open House September 7th


Member Sign-Up

Member enrollment is now open. Member rates have stayed the same.

General – $250

Family – $500

To enroll for the August 15, 2019 – April 30, 2020 year call 989-352-7050 or email


Club Hours

August 15th – September 1st:   8:00 am – dusk

September 1st – January 1st:    8:00 am – 5:00 pm


European Hunts

We are asking for 20% down to save your date.


Weekend Bookings

Week day bookings are staying the same, however, we are graciously asking you to please boot a weekend hunt 24 hours in advance. This allows our family to plan ahead if we need to be out of town. Thanks You!


Field Burn on 6 & 11

Our mid-contract Management on our CRP fields requires a total burn. This will happen sometime in September. Because of the rainy weather we were not able to do this in the Spring. Again this is a requirement for these fields, please be aware when booking your upcoming hunts.

February 2019

We have several specials during the month of February!

Groundhog Day Special

When: Saturday, February 2

Special: 15% off if you buy 5 or more birds


Valentine’s Day Special – Couples Deal

When: February 14

Special: 2 Fields and 7 birds for only $140


Demo Wednesday

When: February 20

Special: Normal Demo Wednesday pricing for non-members. 15% off if you buy 5 or more birds for members.



Be on the lookout for the March and April Specials!

Winter 2018

What an eventful year 2017 was! We had 11 members and their guests on New Year’s Day and stayed busy the rest of pheasant season. In August, at the 19th Annual Shoot-For-Life, we were able to raise more than $3500 for the Alpha Family Center of Cedar Springs. In September, we had the most well-attended Pig Roast/Potluck in years to start the ’17 – ’18 Pheasant Season. In October, the sale of the Haymarsh Hunt Club, Incorporated was finalized. We are now the Haymarsh Club, LLC., operating for the owners, Fourth Arrow Farms, P.O. Box 127, Belmont, MI 49306. We had youth hunts for PF, NWTF, DU and others. We hosted several benefit hunts for non-profits like Sportspersons Ministries International, Physically Challenged Bowhunters of America, and the Muskegon Hunters Safety group.

This year we’ll have three Snowbird Hunts – January 27th, February 17th and March 10th. These field hunts start at 9 AM and include five (5) pheasants per person and a soup & sandwich meal for $110. These are popular hunts, so call ASAP!


For Those of You Who Don’t Have Ten Friends, we’ll have a special “European” Pheasant Hunt on April 14th just for you. This is a “tower” shoot that starts at 9 AM, followed by a farm-style meal, then a walk-up hunt. Your $210 includes 10 birds and the meal. If 10 hunters aren’t signed up by March 25th, we’ll cancel. 2017’s TYWDHTF hunt had 21 hunters!



Since we don’t expect taxes and expenses to go down, we’re going to have to raise the price of birds. As of January 1, 2018, released pheasants will be $22 each. This change was not mandated by the new owner. Scratch birds will still be $10. If you book a January – April 2018 hunt before January 10, 2018, you will lock in the current $21 per bird price. If you have already booked a January – April ’18 hunt you will keep the $21 price. When we have booked the birds we’ve contracted for, no more will be available. Call ASAP!


APRIL 14TH 9 AM  $220

Please remember that we are no longer able to exchange cleaned and frozen birds for those you harvest. Please take that into account for future hunts.

Please DO NOT clean birds out in the fields. The bird parts left in the fields attract unwanted “hunters”. We have a well-equipped cleaning facility in the barn. PLEASE leave it cleaner than you found it!