About Us

The Haymarsh Hunt Club

The Haymarsh Hunt Club’s primary goal is to provide members and corporate clients with an original hunting experience in a safe and relaxing environment at a reasonable price.

The Club was founded in 1989 by the late Bud Gummer, a lifelong hunter and shooting-sports enthusiast.  Bud’s goal was to give anyone who is serious about upland bird-hunting the opportunity to enjoy a challenging and realistic hunting experience.

In 1989 we released 100 pheasants.  During the 2015 – 2016 season, we released more than 8,500 birds and  harvested well over 300 “scratch” birds.

We have been the host of several TV shows, including the PBS broadcast, The Wilderness Journal.  We have also hosted the English Springer Spaniel and the English Cocker National Field Trials.  Numerous nationally sanctioned hunt tests and field trials have been held at our facility.

Our facility includes more than 764 acres, which allows us to ensure that if you want to hunt we will have room.  Each hunting area is about 40 acres and is managed to retain as natural an environment as possible, including appropriate cover and feeding areas.


Ben Covey


Ashley Covey



Phone: (989) 352 7050

Email: info@haymarsh.com

In Memoriam

In Memory of Leslie “Bud” Gummer

June 26, 1931 to July 9, 2007

Founder of The Haymarsh Hunt Club

You have made known to me the path of life;
You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
Psalms 16:11

Ammo Update: We Are Now Non-Tox

Haymarsh is now a non-tox bird hunting area, which means no led shot while bird hunting. This rule does not apply to 5-stand.

We will be selling Upland Fasteel 20 and 12 gauge ammo for $25 a box.